Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

the Tree of Joy
Originally uploaded by ginamstudio
I hope everyone has the loveliest new year. xoxo

Monday, December 28, 2009

Ready for the end

Wordle: NewMe

Everyone seems to be writing their end of year posts. I haven't been good at posting here lately. It's been a strange year for me.

I've been trying to figure out who I am lately. Sadly, I still feel like I don't really know. Some words that will soon really describe me (single mother, disheartened, divorced, bone tired, sad) are words I thought I had worked very hard to avoid, but there they are.

Word that I have flippantly described myself with in the past are suddenly very important to me. The "Diva" idea gains a whole new perspective when I used it to prop up my whole being, not just my ego. All kinds of self-empowering ideas are coming to mind for me right now. I am trying to be open to all of them.

My new year's resolutions in the past - lose weight, be more organized, be kinder - have paled to what I hope to accomplish this next year. A full realization of what I can and want to be. It sounds daunting, but I am determined to be every single bit of it.