Lots of you have asked how I did my menu and where I got my background. I used a lot of resources to do all of the little things that made my template look like it does. I have decided to put as many as I can remember here so you can play with your template, too.
My background and my logo are my own design. I used the Pea SDflenner and Pea Bethany's Doodles fonts for my menu graphics. My writing isn't as neat as the font I used:

My real handwriting probably shows I am a serial bitcher.
To get my menu to act like it does takes CSS. I used this tutorial at BlogU. I also used a BUNCH of the tutorials at Blogger Buster. I hope this helps! I know there are a lot of things I did to tweak my template, but I really don't know if anyone cares! Please feel free to ask.
How awesome of you to share some tips! I've been wanting to do my own design for my blog but didn't even know where to start, thanks!
Your blog looks awesome!
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